Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Hi God. Let’s Talk About It.

My skin screamed in agony due to torturous mosquitoes as we rushed through the swampy field. Our repellents must have been food to them, there was no letting up at all. Finally we could see the light in the distance; we were just about there. Life can sometimes present us with situations that we can’t wait to get out of. While experiencing it, we don’t know who we can trust with our confidential matters - information about us that is so sensitive and if in the wrong hands, or should I say ears, could damage our reputation forever.

Our hearts cry out with pain, and there is no reply from those ever so near to us. They are unable to discern our distresses. We have done well in becoming a human chameleon. We adapt to our surroundings so that we don’t attract attention to ourselves.We are experts and have learnt to play the part without being detected.Happily today we have someone with a listening ear that can 'pull up a chair'. He is moved with our griefs, hurts and pains and has the ability to hear us and heal us at the same time. All of our deeds, desires, motives and thoughts are no secret to Him. He knew us before we were born. (Jeremiah 1:5)

Jesus is asking us today, “Why are you carrying around weight that I desperately desire to relieve you from? Come unto me, all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”


Prayer is our way of becoming free from it all, as we talk to God. It is a conversation with the Heavenly Father that allows us to express our innermost being to the One that understands us best. Then after we have off loaded on Him, He ministers to us.Make prayer your daily medication. IT WORKS!


“Lord I cast all of my cares on you. Thank you for giving me the relief I need. In Jesus name, Amen.”

Picture the Change

Anyone that has taken advantage of relaxing in their backyard in the late spring time has had the delightful experience of exploring the sig...