Thursday, 27 December 2018

Lessons from the Wise Men

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Gifts are always welcomed by the receivers. Usually, when purchasing
a gift for someone, we select the type depending on whom it is we are
presenting to. The greater the love, the better the gift and the attitude by
which it is selected and bestowed. Efforts and energies are never spared
when choosing a gift for anyone that is highly regarded by us.

The wise men travelled a long time and long ways to reach their destination.
(Matthew 2:1-13) They were determined to present their gifts to the recipient.
Image result for pictures of a star in the sky

Even though they were almost deceived by a wicked king. Herod wanted to kill
the receiver of their gifts. God guided them with instructions that would save
them and the young child. He told them not return to Herod, but leave the city 
another way.

A determination is needed when we consider presenting gifts to anyone. Time and
energy to find, purchase, wrap the item, and then locating the beneficiary are all
proof that we have the giftee best interest at heart.

The wise men had faith to believe in the star that guided them to the answer that
they were a long time seeking. They were skilled astrologers and avid observers
of times and seasons. Finding the city would not be so hard for them, however
locating the exact dwelling place of the Christ Child could only be Divine.
They had to have been inspired by the Holy Spirit, who put a longing in their
hearts to meet the one that was selected by God to bring SALVATION to all

This holiday season may you seek out those to whom you will be guided.
Present them with gifts that will make them feel special, even as the wise men
did for Jesus. (Matthew 25:31-46)

Image result for pictures of a kings crown

Sunday, 23 December 2018

Love vs. Law and Love vs. Will

      Love is a wonderful thing that transcends throughout
all ethnic differences. It is so super exceeds, until it amazes all that
would be previewed to it, watching from the sidelines as the story
unfolds. How could two(2) persons from a diverse background be
drawn together by a force that humanity is still trying to define.
Love is the game changer, it causes life, location, relationships and
even jobs to be reconsidered, when the spark of love is glowing.
God has designed it to be that way, a man /woman would  leave
all and cleave to where his/her heart has drawn him/her.

    Joseph, in the gospel of Matthew 1:18-25 is in love with and
engaged to a young lady by the name of Mary.She tells him that
Depressed Man
she is pregnant and it is none of his doing. She says that this is
the Lord's doing. He thinks to himself “Where could this girl get
such a story?”

    Nonetheless the ways out his options and concludes that he
would divorce  her secretly. The love and respect that he has
for her and her family, would not allow him to subject them
to public embarrassment.

     Joseph goes away depressed and hurt. Retiring early to his room,
and while laying off on his bed, he drifts into a deep sleep.
Joseph, while a sleep, has a visitation from the Lord. An angel appears
to him and reveals what Mary was trying to explain to him.
After awakening from sleep Joseph reconsiders, and without
reservations takes Mary as is and makes her his bride.

     Joseph yielded himself to the Will of God. Forsaking what
the law required, and no longer mindful of consequences, he was fully
persuaded to do the Will of God.

     Sometimes God wants us to blind ourselves to our surrounding and do
His good pleasure.

How persuaded are you today to do the Will of God?     

Monday, 17 December 2018

Mary's Yes

Sometimes we are given a task that is not fully understood by us let alone others. Nevertheless, we carry it out, and the concept of what is being done becomes more visible in our minds as we proceed with it. Eventually, the manifestation of the greater purpose is revealed.

ary a young Jewish virgin girl was given a task that could have cost her everything.(Luke 1:26-38). She would have suffered scorning, being ostracized and disowned by family members, and ignored by close friends. She could have even lost her one true love, the young rising star, Joseph, the carpenter, the builder, skilled tradesman, her prince. It is he that would love, nourish and take exceptional care of her, with provisions and protection,
her worship leader, her hero.

tell you, one visitation from God changes everything. Visitations from God always bring disruption and amendments to our immediate plans.

ary without thought of consequences, says “Yes” to the Will of the Lord. She could only conceive then, in her heart that she was the chosen vessel that would bring the agent of redemption and transformation to a lost and sinful humanity.

ary was ready to lose it all in her “Yes” answer to the Lord.

ow much are you willing to give up by saying “Yes” to the Lord (Luke 14:26-35).

Picture the Change

Anyone that has taken advantage of relaxing in their backyard in the late spring time has had the delightful experience of exploring the sig...