Monday, 19 October 2020

Picture the Change

Anyone that has taken advantage of relaxing in their backyard in the late spring time has had the delightful experience of exploring the sights and sounds of nature. Those who are surrounded by forestry would fine themselves in a voluntary silvics class. Your mind becomes one with the peacefulness of the environment.

Birds invade the skies after a long  bitter winter. The atmosphere is blooming with new life. All of these are clear evidences that a season has changed.Though the winter invaded our comfort space, it is a memory. The season has changed! 

A life's decision can sometime bring us out of the a paradigm prison filled with all the signs of a wintered life into the spring of change and prosperity. Embrace it, don't be afraid!

When we include God and receive His direction we are guaranty success. Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not rely on your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all your ways, and He will make your paths straight.

Saturday, 25 April 2020

A Matter of Trust

As I sat outside in my backyard with thoughts 
Flower images · Pexels · Free Stock Photosflooding my mind about all of the cares of this life, 
I began to observe the creations of God. 
I noted that  none of them had a complaint,
but they went on with their daily activities without 
an ounce of anxiety. 
They were working, and giving thanks to God in their own ways for His goodness.

Trust defined means to have confidence in.

Psalm 121:1-8 encourages us to trust in the Lord by making Him our confidence.
There are some clue words found in this passage of scripture  that would
help us to build our trust and reliance in God. 
Words such as:
Come:  This word encourages us to expect God to move toward and help us
Unmoved:  Says that God will keep us firm and steadfast
Shade:  Speaks to God being a shelter for us at all times
Preserve:Address our need for protection and stability

We are to trust in God, He is most reliable and never failing!
10 berries that birds love | MNN - Mother Nature Network

Friday, 3 May 2019

Back to Safety

Everything was going well until we had an unexpected storm
that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. The gentle breeze
became chaotic and the calm seas tempestuous. A flood of rain
descended and visibility was almost nil.

Nevertheless, we had one positive thing in this adverse situation,
our captain and fishing guide had well frequented the area and had
experienced this sort of thing before. I was very impressed that he
did not panic, but rather quickly sprung into emergency action. Wow!
I thought to myself, his maritime experience and navigational skills had
us back to shore and moved to safety in no time.

If the sports fishermen could trust their guide, we must understand
that God requires us to do the same with him. Trusting God will always
lead us to safety.

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
Psalm 46:1

Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Secret Plot


She would have never known had she not found his hidden journal.
Her empathy vanished as she read and became enlightened about
the plot to cheat her out of her inheritance.

Quietly, John had been meeting with his lawyers to single-handedly
gain control of all of the company’s assets. He had no regards for
the welfare or feelings of Jane. He had his mind on taking it all for
himself, and at the appropriate time force everyone out.

Jane dried up her tears and went into defence mode.

“I grant Jane all legal rights to the assets of the company,
based on the evidence laid out in this court,” said the Judge.
The court had ruled in her favour and saved her from the secret plot of John.

So it is with God, He always delivers us from the secret plans of our enemies.
(Daniel 6:1-28)
Image result for picture of courtroom

Friday, 25 January 2019

What’s the Plan?

Image result for pictures of a road map
How many times have we promised ourselves
that we would improve in a certain area?
We set out on a journey to conquer our fears
and master our failures. We are all hyped up and
ready to take up the challenge. “What could go wrong”
we think to ourselves. All of a sudden our steam runs
out and our drive goes to “E”. The tank is empty.
Enthusiasm drops to an all-time low.

What happened to our master plan? It lacked endurance.
We were looking for a quick fix. We planned well,
but in the process of planning, we forgot to factor in
the endurance aspect. We did not anticipate,
nor did we count the cost. We did not even
consider that a sacrifice was necessary.

Time, energy, anticipation enthusiasm and most importantly
endurance are all needed in the executing of a new plan.

As we embark upon any new journey, let us be sure to put
God first, asking Him for His Wisdom, Guidance and Endurance.

Let us endure to the end. (2 Timothy 2:1-10)

Picture the Change

Anyone that has taken advantage of relaxing in their backyard in the late spring time has had the delightful experience of exploring the sig...