Friday 25 January 2019

What’s the Plan?

Image result for pictures of a road map
How many times have we promised ourselves
that we would improve in a certain area?
We set out on a journey to conquer our fears
and master our failures. We are all hyped up and
ready to take up the challenge. “What could go wrong”
we think to ourselves. All of a sudden our steam runs
out and our drive goes to “E”. The tank is empty.
Enthusiasm drops to an all-time low.

What happened to our master plan? It lacked endurance.
We were looking for a quick fix. We planned well,
but in the process of planning, we forgot to factor in
the endurance aspect. We did not anticipate,
nor did we count the cost. We did not even
consider that a sacrifice was necessary.

Time, energy, anticipation enthusiasm and most importantly
endurance are all needed in the executing of a new plan.

As we embark upon any new journey, let us be sure to put
God first, asking Him for His Wisdom, Guidance and Endurance.

Let us endure to the end. (2 Timothy 2:1-10)

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