Friday, 25 January 2019

What’s the Plan?

Image result for pictures of a road map
How many times have we promised ourselves
that we would improve in a certain area?
We set out on a journey to conquer our fears
and master our failures. We are all hyped up and
ready to take up the challenge. “What could go wrong”
we think to ourselves. All of a sudden our steam runs
out and our drive goes to “E”. The tank is empty.
Enthusiasm drops to an all-time low.

What happened to our master plan? It lacked endurance.
We were looking for a quick fix. We planned well,
but in the process of planning, we forgot to factor in
the endurance aspect. We did not anticipate,
nor did we count the cost. We did not even
consider that a sacrifice was necessary.

Time, energy, anticipation enthusiasm and most importantly
endurance are all needed in the executing of a new plan.

As we embark upon any new journey, let us be sure to put
God first, asking Him for His Wisdom, Guidance and Endurance.

Let us endure to the end. (2 Timothy 2:1-10)

Monday, 21 January 2019

Embrace the Future

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The unknown always seems to have
some degree of fear attached to it. We must
be encouraged to overcome doubt, and
optimistically anchor our hearts and have
faith in our God. Let our thoughts be filled with
imaginations of winning and our movements
and decisions be aligned with the same.

When taking any new route, we have to
familiarize ourselves with it, the more we
commute it the better acquainted we become
with that area. So it is when we embrace the
future, that every day becomes a day of
expectancy. Our goals are no longer unattainable
but rather capable of true manifestation.

“No Limits” becomes our motto. “We gat this!”
Image result for pictures of birds Thoughts of confidence over take us because we believe.

“Let’s Embrace the future.”

Monday, 7 January 2019

Let's Look Ahead

The end of the year is always a time of reflectioImage of a default calendarn

and planning. We ask ourselves, what do we intend to accomplish in the upcoming year? We reflect on missed opportunities and unattained goals. How can we in the season ahead take advantage of every moment?

Here are some principles that may help us achieve our goals as we look ahead:

Planning  provides objectives for our movement and helps us to advance progressively toward our goals.

Time Management Time is something that can not be refunded or captured for any length, by anyone; it just keeps moving. Therefore we must learn to use it to our benefit.

Recognizing Moments
Some people  in your life are irreplaceable. Maximize moments that count, and give them the honor of your time. Spend it well with them!


We must learn to forgive. Forgiveness lightens the load for tomorrow's challenges. When we forgive, it helps us to understand that we live in a fallen world, and that our enemy, the devil, will use whom ever to derail us from our purpose.

(Philippians 3:7-15)


Thursday, 3 January 2019

The Crossing Over

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Image result for pictures of bridges
Looking back sometimes causes much sadness and remorse. We must make up our minds that we will move toward our rising sun, toward the dawning that brings newness. This is our justice when we exit an old year into a new one.

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 Why should we embrace the crossing over?          One reason is because we can’t stop it. Unfortunately, we have no right or access to the non-stop moving hands of the God’s time clock. Another reason is that crossing over will also prove that we are ready to forget those past errors and press toward the predestined place prepared  by God for us.

Crossing over is a time of embracing and accepting by faith the promises and opportunities that await you. You are equipped! Use the new year to your advantage! The new year for you is a golden opportunity to get it right.

Crossover, and like Joshua and the children of Israel possess the Year! Leave no blessing unclaimed!  (Joshua 3:1-17)


Picture the Change

Anyone that has taken advantage of relaxing in their backyard in the late spring time has had the delightful experience of exploring the sig...