Is there a
reverberating sound in your spirit that is directing you toward a particular
area of ministry? It is highly likely that God is calling you to a specific ministry
function. We must understand the voice that is speaking. I am reminded of the call
Samuel the prophet (2 Samuel 2:1-10). God was calling but he was unfamiliar
with the voice of God.
*Samuel ran to Eli, this suggesting that the voice sounded similar to his.
In the story we see the importance of
mentor-ship. Samuel was committed to Eli for the purpose of training. Eli knew
the voice of God and was skilled in the administration and operation of the
Spirit of God. This qualified him to address Samuel's concern and recognize
the call of God on Samuel's life.
when God is calling us to ministry, we will receive a sign. These signs are
given to help us to flow into the area of ministry He has called us to. We are
to prayerfully look for the signs of his calling, you must know the time of your visitation. Otherwise, you will live an
unfulfilled life.
Firstly, we must run to holy
scripture as our #1 resource. Secondly, we must look for help from those
who have proven themselves to be skilled conduits in hearing the voice of
God and knowledgeable about the ways that God would call a person.
After recognizing the call then we move to the next level.
8:28 speaks to us being called according to His purpose .You are separated
for a particular function in the body of Christ and it is encumbered upon
you to seek out how to fulfil the position through the pursuit
of knowledge. Read books, look at videos and hold on to as many
sources as possible that will help you reach your goal.
your skills would have been developed, then you are ready to operate. Declare that no matter what
challenges you may encounter, "I WILL DO THE WILL OF GOD FOR MY LIFE”.
clearly saw an isolated rose. I could see the flower peddles in a state of decline.
Despite it being in the ground, it was losing life.
Then came the Word of the Lord unto
me and saying, "This is what is happening to many of My
people. They are not walking in the call of God and are
living defeated Christian lives. Their purpose is not being fulfilled and thus
they are spiritually withering/dying."
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