Monday, 19 February 2018


The sound of a blowing horn could be heard echoing throughout the neighborhood that morning. We were not ready and out of our pickup spot. Everything was hurried, and we forgot so many things. We got off to a very late start and our ride was waiting, time at that moment seemed to be our enemy. We had failed to organize the night before in hopes that we would awake earlier.  

When we refuse to prepare for our moment of opportunity then we have prepared ourselves to fail.


We have to prepare ourselves to do the will of God every day.

 Our daily prayer should include ,“Lord let your will be done in my life as it is in heaven” or "Lord as You have predestined for me so let it be manifested in my life and let the desires of my enemies come to nothing."

Once you would have recognized and acknowledged your calling, then it is time to be taught.
Paul the Apostle after his conversion experience, immediately got alone to seek a greater understanding about his call and the will of God for his life. Thereafter he joined himself to those that had received the same calling.

No matter what area of ministry you have been called into its always good to connect yourself to those of like calling that have more experience than you do. Observe their mode of operation and style that is indigenous to them. Then adapt all of the effective ways in which they would execute their call and duplicate it, configuring it to who you are as a person.

Some persons go to school to learn about their calling and faith and that is a plus but I believe that after your studies you still need apprenticeship, because being able to function correctly come with hands on training and experience.


Always be alert enough to comprehend the different lessons that the Holy Spirit is teaching you daily, all of it would go toward your training both spiritually and mentally to do His good will.

"Lord let my will be put away as I prepare my mind and heart to embrace your perfect predestined will for my life, because Lord you knew me before I was known by myself or others. In Jesus name I pray. Amen."

Monday, 12 February 2018



How have I been called, you may ask? What is my purpose in life? Who have I been assigned to? These are all questions that must be answered by you. If you cannot answer these questions, then you are not walking in your true potential.

So many of God’s people are living void of all that God has planned  for them because they refuse to take time to have a conversation with God about what He has called them to do. Many times, persons in the church are not as impactful. Yes they are full of zeal and their actions indicate that they love the Lord but their productivity level in their divine walk is unfruitful.

In each of us is the hidden treasure that God has planted in our spirits to be discovered and harvested. That is why you must say “YES!” It is a yes for change.


Prayer: “Lord unlock the hidden treasure within me and let it cause me to recognize my calling and walk in the fullness thereof.”

Once you recognize your calling, then your calling will cause you to be recognized. The bible says that our gift will make room for us. Those that confidently use their gift will have opportunities presented.

After a conversation with Christ, I committed myself to knowing what my calling was. I immediately prayed and fasted. During which, God revealed me to bible characters that were called in like manner. As I did so the eyes of my understanding were enlightened and from that point on, I sought as much knowledge as possible to be able to function as best as I could. From then to now I have grown in knowledge and practical demonstration, all because I was able to focus on how I had been called by God.

I saw a garbage bag that was tied up. It seem to be full of trash based on first glance. Then without warning, it seemed as though two persons came and tore the bag open. To my surprise the bag was filled with newspapers that were still tied together and unread, just as how today’s papers would be delivered at a store.

Then the Word of the Lord came unto me saying,
“This is the hidden potential that is locked away in many of My people and will only be revealed to them that diligently seek Me. It will be just like a news feed always fresh and impactful.”

Prophetic & Deliverance Conference

Thursday, 8 February 2018

About Me

Prophet Farquharson is a young energetic family man. He is a happily married father of five beautiful children. He loves to encourage and be a witness to the success of others in the assignment of God for their lives.

He is the founder and president of S. Jerome Farquharson Ministries and an ordained Minister and Prophet of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  

Prophet S. Jerome Farquharson is an anointed speaker and teacher who speaks with an apostolic vision. His basic teaching style provides insight to people of all walks of life, to position themselves to receive God’s favor and walk into unusual victory.

 He is the host of Prophetic Moments which is a weekly Bahamian radio broadcast that airs on 93.9 Glory F.M. every Wednesday at 9:00 P.M. He has a passion that emanates from deep within to live a life pleasing to God and help others to find out the will of God for their lives.

This blog was birthed out of an urge by the Holy Spirit to gradually release, in a simple teaching format, the many things He has revealed to me over the years. He has also prompted me to use this avenue to express His will, love, and desire to see all that would trust in Him, walk in the fullness of their destiny.

As you absorb this rich text may you be enthused to reach the sum of all that is available to you in Christ Jesus.

Thursday, 1 February 2018


Is there a reverberating sound in your spirit that is directing you toward a particular area of ministry? It is highly likely that God is calling you to a specific ministry function. We must understand the voice that is speaking. I am reminded of the call Samuel the prophet (2 Samuel 2:1-10). God was calling but he was unfamiliar with the voice of God.

It’s similar to answering a telephone, but not hearing a voice on the other end. They can hear you clearly but because something is wrong with the receiver's end you are unaware that they can hear you.

*Samuel ran to Eli, this suggesting that the voice sounded similar to his.


In the story we see the importance of mentor-ship. Samuel was committed to Eli for the purpose of training. Eli knew the voice of God and was skilled in the administration and operation of the Spirit of God. This qualified him to address Samuel's concern and recognize the call of God on Samuel's life.  


Oftentimes when God is calling us to ministry, we will receive a sign. These signs are given to help us to flow into the area of ministry He has called us to. We are to prayerfully look for the signs of his calling, you must know the time of your visitation. Otherwise, you will live an unfulfilled life.

Firstly, we must run to holy scripture as our #1 resource. Secondly, we must look for help from those who have proven themselves to be skilled conduits in hearing the voice of God and knowledgeable about the ways that God would call a person. After recognizing the call then we move to the next level.


Romans 8:28 speaks to us being called according to His purpose .You are separated for a particular function in the body of Christ and it is encumbered upon you to seek out how to fulfil the position through the pursuit of knowledge. Read books, look at videos and hold on to as many sources as possible that will help you reach your goal. 


When your skills would have been developed, then you are ready to operate. Declare that no matter what challenges you may encounter, "I WILL DO THE WILL OF GOD FOR MY LIFE”.


Image result for pictures of dying red rosesWhile preparing this blog, God gave me a vision and the revelation.

I clearly saw an isolated rose. I could see the flower peddles in a state of decline. Despite it being in the ground, it was losing life.

Then came the Word of the Lord unto me and saying, "This is what is happening to many of My people. They are not walking in the call of God and are living defeated Christian lives. Their purpose is not being fulfilled and thus they are spiritually withering/dying."

Picture the Change

Anyone that has taken advantage of relaxing in their backyard in the late spring time has had the delightful experience of exploring the sig...